• How do I eliminate another player?

    To eliminate your target, you will track them through the city using life360 and spray them with a water gun. You will need to film yourself spraying them and send the video to the City Games instagram page. After our team confirms the elimination, you will be sent your next target through an Instagram Direct Message.

  • Is this safe?

    Yes! We are careful to select boundaries that are in safe areas within the city. We ask that you are responsible for your own safety and pay attention to your surroundings when crossing streets, walking on public paths and running/jumping.

  • How does Life360 work?

    You will need to download Life360 before the day of the game. On the morning of the game, you will be sent a code to join our group where you will see the location of all of the players for the day. When you’re sent your target, you can search their username on Life360 to find them. At 5pm, the group will be deleted so that no one from the game can see your location anymore.

  • Can I use water balloons?

    No. The only acceptable way to eliminate your target is by spraying them with a commercially available water gun. No homemade water guns, water balloons, buckets, or water bottles are allowed.

  • Can I drive in a car?

    No, you cannot enter a car for the duration of the game including public transportation. However, you can ride bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, etc.

  • Can I go inside buildings?

    You are allowed to enter a building a total of three times: Twice for 15 minutes and once for 30 minutes. You can use this time to buy food, use a bathroom, and refill your water gun. If we find that you go inside more than three times or for longer than the allotted time frame, you will be eliminated.